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Resource Definitions


"statements": array[Statement]


"Sid": "<Statement ID. Consists of alphanumeric characters and hyphen, and must be of length between 6 and 60 chars.>",
"Resource": "<Uniform resource name of the resource(s) being targeted by the policy having pattern: ^urn:ugs:<service-name>:/<path>" // glob pattern,
"Principal": "<The principal the statement applies to, Allowed values are "Player" and "Unauthenticated". Remember that, "Unauthenticated" is not supported for player policies>",
"Action": "<User action against which the policy statement will be applicable. Allowable value is an array with elements that can only have one of three possible values: "Read", "Write" and "*>",
"Effect": "<Effect of the policy statement. Allowable values are "Allow" and "Deny">"

Delete Options

"statementIDs": array[strings]

Example for Policy Schema

"statements": [
"Sid": "DenyAccessForCloudCodeService",
"Resource": "urn:ugs:cloud-code:/*",
"Principal": "Player",
"Action": ["*"],
"Effect": "Deny"

See Access Admin API documentation for more information.